Sunday, January 15, 2012

10 signs you have reached middle age

1. You start finding gray hair on your husband
2. It occurs to you that in 6 years, your YOUNGEST will officially be an adult
3. You finally hear a song that offends you, and you find most radio music to be really crappy
4. You trade in the bikini for a spanx one piece swim dress
5. You can no longer make it much past midnight
6. You start paying attention to arthritis commercials
7. You realize that owning a horse comes with massive vet, food, and boarding bills and you become content with owning a dog.
8. You can't understand half the text speak, and your kids text faster than you
9. You get rid of the sports car because the insurance is too high, and buy a four door gas saver instead
10. Warmth becomes more important than fashion

Brought to you today by feeling old.

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