Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice my friends

I am starting yet another blog. Today is the winter solstice, which seems like a good time for new beginnings.

People are always a little bit confused by my beliefs. I grew up in a very conservative Baptist church. I even attended the church school for a year. Christianity never really fit me. I love the words of Jesus. I think he had some lovely things to say and some great ideas. Unfortunately, it's the rest of the bible I take issue with. As a parent, I cannot fathom casting my kids aside for all eternity for a mistake, and I feel like the proverbial God does just that. Hell never fit into my picture of the afterlife.

When I married my Agnostic husband, I know my father was worried that he would turn my head away from God. What he didn't realize is that first, I am not that impressionable. Second, I was already there. The idea of Christianity quit making sense to me when I reached the age of reason, which was well before I met the man. If anything, my husband shares my beliefs, rather than the other way around.

About four years ago, I did one of those silly religious quizzes which matched up my beliefs closest with Wiccans. I did some research and gave it a try. After a year, I figured out where my beliefs stand.

I am not really a Wiccan. You won't see me calling down the Goddess or trying to catch a fairy. What I believe is a combination of science wrapped up in a huge respect for nature. I think that Magick is the way the ancient people explained what can now be explained by science, and encompasses that which we do not yet have a full understanding.

Do I believe in Magick? Yes and no. Energy flows through the universe. It cannot be created or destroyed. There is a lot that we do not understand about harnessing this energy. I do think people have the ability to tap into this energy and influence it. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that spells work by the absolute belief that they will work and that it has less to do with what words are said, what candles are used and so on. Every known (and probably unknown) religion has a way of tapping into this energy and I think you absolutely can change things.

With that said, I am not much on spell casting. I still pray but it is less about talking to an all knowing deity and more about putting what I desire out there. Sometimes it works.

Other things I believe: Karma. I am all about the three times rule. Positive energy draws three times the positive energy. Negative draws three times the negative energy. In other words, follow the Golden Rule and you are fine. If you are a dick, you are in for a bad time...maybe not right away but it will come.

This is not going to be a running theme in my blog. I tend to keep my personal beliefs to myself for the most part. Mostly because they tend to make the average person nervous. Just because the "burning times" are over doesn't mean that some of that bad blood isn't still out there. I just wanted to go over it one time so when I do mention the Sabbats or karma or whatever that I have already said my piece on them.

Blessings to you and yours! Have a wonderful holiday season!

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