Thursday, December 29, 2011

The teenage lazy

My kids don't like to clean. Big surprise right? However, when 4 people, a cat and a dog share a space less than 1000 sq ft, it needs to be done often. What takes one person an hour takes three people 20 minutes. In theory.

I am a list maker. It partially fills my need to procrastinate, but it partially keeps me organized. Today I had the girls help me make the to do list thinking that maybe it would draw them in. It partially worked. What I mean is that because my 11 year old was giving me such a hard time about cleaning, the 13 year old totally took advantage of the opportunity to suck up. Sometimes having two kids is such a joy! So the 13 year old checked the various rooms and we came up with a list of things to do. Since she was helpful, she got to pick first which immediately sent up a stream of "It's not fair! She always gets to pick first!" which is far from truth, but don't tell that to the self martyred preteen.

The funniest part was that the one who complained the most was finished first. The apartment is back in order and it really did take no time at all. Don't tell the 11 year old that. She is still absolutely positive that 20 minutes of cleaning ruined her entire day. I guess she will be more than happy to go back to school next week.

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