Saturday, December 24, 2011

I have a sickness

I don't know if anyone else shares this, but it's a shopping addiction without spending any money. No, I am not talking about a five finger discount. I go to various websites and fill my cart with various items that I will probably never actually buy.

It goes farther than that. This post tonight is brought to you by a total kitchen redesign of a house that not only do I not own, but one I have not actually seen in person. It's ridiculous! All new appliances, counters, cabinets, the works. This is not the only time I do this.

Every time my period is late (which since I hit my 30s is nearly every month), I start putting together entire nurseries, carseats, clothes and the whole nine yards. Then I close the browser and lament over the hour (or hours *paranoia*) that I wasted on such a silly thing. This baby factory has been shut down for nearly 12 years now. The chance of me having another baby NOW? Not likely.

So now you know my dirty little secret. My name is Jennifer and I am a shopaholic. Luckily for my husband, I am enough in my senses that I don't actually spend any money. For his sake, I hope dementia skips me in my old age.

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